Honey Lavender Healing Salve

Honey Lavender Healing Salve

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Our Honey Lavender Healing Salve loves on your skin. An excellent product to keep around your home all year long and a first-rate remedy to use when extreme measures are in order to support healthy glowing skin. This powerful yet gentle salve smells amazing and is specifically formulated for those moments where your skin is not happy and needs immediate relief.


Our Honey Lavender Healing Salve is formulated with calendula flowers, neem leaf, plantain leaf, chickweed, and borage leaf to reduce inflammation, speed recovery, reduce itching, hydrate the skin, and address a myriad of other skin issues.  Quality always being key, this salve is hand-poured from small-batches made using only the finest and purest ingredients. 4 oz.


*This is an all-around soothing salve, powerful, yet gentle enough to use for a baby’s diaper rash, sunburn, dry skin, etc.


*Natural Nature Shea Butter is a raw village made Grade A butter, preserving the full nutrient profile. Grade A shea butter retains the most natural vitamins, especially vitamins A and E, which are partially or completely lost in the other grades. Our shea is handcrafted by African Women Collectives who receive fair trade prices for their work, which in turn, helps them to financially support themselves and their families.


In West Africa, Shea butter is called “Women's Gold” because women use the proceeds to feed, clothe, and educate their children. 16 million African women make a living picking Shea nuts and processing Shea butter.


We source our Shea Butter directly from women-run cooperatives in the rural areas of Nigeria and Ghana. So smooth and creamy it doesn’t need to be whipped. Pure and rich, our shea melts right into your skin!